
Public footpaths within Kinnersley & District Group parishes total 42km. We have 4 Parish Footpath Officers – PFO’s – one for each parish

This is a voluntary role, for which the parish council is very grateful. PFO’s aim to walk their local footpaths regularly, and investigate and report any problems

Parish Footpath Officers

Kinnersley: James Copsey telephone 01544 328453, e-mail

Norton Canon: Patrick Wrixon, telephone 01544 318247, e-mail

Sarnesfield: Roger Marshall, telephone 01544 318795, e-mail

Letton: Tatum Bisley, telephone 01544 318556, e-mail

The parish footpath officers meet regularly throughout the year to discuss issues

Footpaths contractor

The parish council employs a contractor to carry out some of the basic maintenance work. This includes cutting back vegetation, and minor repairs such as installing or replacing steps, handrails, way-markers and signposts.

Booklet of 12 local circular walks

As a result of the Parish Plan, the Parish Council sponsored the production of a new and original booklet of 12 circular walks, published in 2015

Download maps for the walks in your local area